The Adventures of Olive the SeaTurtle


The Adventures of Olive the Sea Sea Turtle: From the Nest to the Sea is a story about one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet, a creature that every day faces ever-increasing risk. It’s also a story about courage, determination, and perseverance. Filled with both accurate science and important life-lessons, the book is a perfect story for all ages, especially for those beginning readers who love nature, who love its creatures, and who love the planet Earth.

ORP receives 100% of profits from the sale of the book.

Available from Amazon world wide.




The Adventures of Olive the Sea Sea Turtle: From the Nest to the Sea is co-written by ORP’s Founder and CEO, Dr. Martin Stelfox, and Danielle Gravon, and beautifully illustrated by Kelsey Dutton.

72 double pages, first published 2020
Recommended audience: up to 10 years
Sea turtle species: olive ridley

Our Recommendation:

Great little story following one of the most abundant but rarely represented turtle species in the early stages of life.