Dr. Minnie Liddell, Educator & Ambassador

Dr. Minnie Liddell, ORP Veterinary Surgeon. Image.
Dr. Minnie Liddell, Educator & Ambassador

Since deciding to be a veterinarian at the age of four, Minnie Liddell has always had a keen interest and love of exotic animals, particularly reptiles. Once at university, she made sure she was dedicating as much time learning about their veterinary care as possible. She undertook placements at London and Whipsnade Zoo and exotic practices across the country, seeing everything from Tapirs to Boa constrictors!

After graduation in 2016, she spent 4 years as a dedicated small animal clinician. She gained a wealth of experience across a wide variety of species and disciplines, making her a keen and accomplished surgeon. She also spent a month in the Caribbean volunteering her veterinary skills at a charity practice. It was there that her love affair with sea turtles began, as she was lucky enough to swim with them while learning to dive.

When the opportunity arose to make the move into marine animal veterinary medicine and conservation, she jumped at the chance. Minnie joined the Olive Ridley Project in 2020 and was ORP’s Resident Veterinarian at the Marine Turtle Rescue Centre in Baa Atoll, Maldives, for 18 months. Whilst there she was in charge of caring for over 63 patients!

Following her departure from the Rescue Centre, she is continuing to work with ORP, focusing on education and outreach. She will continue with public talks and presentations, in person and virtually, and helping out with social media to continue increasing the public’s awareness and understanding of sea turtle conservation issues.