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Meet Trooper, A Double Amputee Ghost Net Victim From Male Atoll

Trooper was a subadult olive ridley turtle. She was rescued by Four Seasons Kuda Huraa and was initially under the care of Marine Savers.

Intake Date: 29th July 2019
Length: 48 cm
Weight: 11.4 kg
Status: Deceased 25th August 2019

Trooper was found entangled in a ghost net and has lost both of her front flippers. She had been doing well in care with Marine Savers, who had secured a home at an aquarium overseas for her. However, she suddenly became ill: She was not breathing well, could no longer eat by herself and had a prolapse from her bottom.

So, she was flown from Four Seasons Resort to the ORP Rescue Centre by sea plane. When she arrived, she had x-rays where a lung infection was discovered. She also had blood-work which confirmed there was an infection. Her reflexes were very slow and some were not present, therefore there could be another underlying cause to her problems.

On the 8th of August she underwent surgery to repair her prolapse. A feeding tube was also placed so we could feed her by syringe. She recovered well from that surgery. Currently she is our most critical patient in care. However, she has shown small signs of improvement.  She is a fighter and we hope she continues to fight and win this battle.

17 August 2019
Trooper is still stable but cannot raise her head to breathe. She spends most of her time out near the tanks in a tub with water and a neck rest so she can float. Feeding still takes place through the feeding tube by syringe.  We are continuing to monitor her closely.

26 August 2019
Trooper unfortunately passed away suddenly this week.  On necropsy, it was discovered that she had a massive infection of her liver.  A foreign body had pierced through her intestine and punctured her liver, which started the infection.  The infection had spread throughout her body and she died from sepsis.  Antibiotics were initially helping her but the infection was just too much.  RIP Trooper.