Meet Nessy, An Adult Female Olive Ridley
Nessy was found entangled in a ghost net by Finolhu Resort in Baa Atoll. She arrived with a deep neck wound.
Intake Date: 19th January 2019
Length: 68 cm
Weight: 32.2 kg
Status: Transferred to Atoll Marine Centre 4th March 2019 for further rehabilitation
Nessy was adopted by Kerstin Drescher
Nessy is a very strong and feisty turtle. We confirmed through x-ray and ultrasound exams that she has no major internal injuries from being entangled, however we are treating her neck wound and performed surgery to repair her trachea. She is also buoyant.
Nessy formed nice scar tissue around her neck after being entangled in a ghost net, however, as this healed, it revealed holes either side of her trachea. We decided to investigate surgically due to the risk of her trachea being perforated.
We found that the outer layers were damaged from the net, but luckily the inside of her trachea was still air-tight. We repaired the outside layers but she will likely always have noisy breathing due to the narrowing in her windpipe.
She remained true to her nick name of “loch ness monster” by tipping her wheelbarrow on her journey to the vet room for surgery and making a run-for-it along the sand. At 33 kg, she is strong adult turtle and it took all of our strength to restrain her to treat her wounds.
Nessy was transferred to Atoll Marine Centre when her immediate medical needs where resolved. Hopefully she will overcome her buoyancy so that they can release her soon.